Part Number: 2SD2499
Function: 600V, 6A, NPN Transistor
Package: TO-3P, 2-16E3A Type
Manufacturer: Toshiba
This is 600V, 6A, Silicon NPN Transistor.
1. High Voltage : VCBO= 1500 V
2. Low Saturation Voltage : VCE (sat) = 5 V (Max.)
3. High Speed : tf= 0.3 µs (Typ.)
4. Bult-in Damper Type
5. Collector Metal (Fin) is Fully Covered with Mold Resin.
Maximum ratings ( Tc=25°C )
1. Collector-Base Voltage : VCBO = 1500 V
2. Collector-Emitter Voltage : VCEO = 600 V
3. Emitter-Base Voltage : VEBO = 5 V
4. Base Current : IB = 3 A
5. Collector Power Dissipation : PC = 50 W
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